Conflict Resolution: The Tree of Knowledge.
When it comes to conflict resolution, how to solve conflict be it between couples, family, friends or nations, it is important to remember the 'tree of knowledge': 1) who we really are 2) how we really got here 3) why we are really here. And the answer to these three questions is surprisingly simple. Who we are is (the same) one not wanting to be alone. How we got here is the desire not to be alone. Why we are here is companionship otherwise known as love. Now it is true that we are different, that we have our unique personalities and quirks, that we have our 'otherness' but the purpose of this 'otherness' has always been and will forever continue to be 'togetherness'. For all this so self would not feel by itself. For all this so self could experience companionship otherwise known as love. Now. What is there thus to argue about? Now. What is there thus to fight over? Nothing is more absurd than conflict. Conflict is born out of ignorance while peace is born out of knowledge. So let's step back. Let us breathe. Let us reflect. Let us remember. Let us accept. Let us love.
~ Wald Wassermann