How did the entire universe come from nothing? Forget about nothing. The Universe came to be out of Self not wanting to be by itself. It must be remembered that The Word - which is Self really - came up with all words including but not limited to The Universe. Now. There are some within the theoretical field who claim that the foundation of everything is nothing or the other way around. But are such hypotheses valid? Truth is simple (as in one). What is nothing and everything but Self not wanting to be by itself and what is the purpose of Self but Companionship. As such the right twofold cosmo- or should one say bio-logical answer. 1) The foundation of Self is Self not wanting to by itself. 2) The foundation of Self is Self desiring Companionship otherwise known as Love. It is this the purpose of the Universe, it is this the purpose of the World, it is this the purpose of Self; the purpose of Self (aka the World, the Universe) is Companionship, Friendship, Love. Hence The Gospel of Love.
~ Wald Wassermann