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It is utterly remarkable how science comes up with new names and equations to describe itSelf. Self easily gets lost in translation which is why Self ended up with The Tower of Babel. First science (Self) tells Human (Self) it is not God (Self) but Physical (Self) this although Physical means Spiritual (Physic=Spirit=Self) having forgotten that Anima Una et Cor Unum: Friendship and Love Unity. Naturally this is insufficient for although Human (Self) no longer believes it is God (Self), Human still believes in God this although God is Love. Not to be discouraged, science comes up with the DNA world hypothesis which suggests that Life on Earth began with DNA this although DNA is Deus Non Alligatur (Spirit is Unbound but Desires to bind itself - religion - for the purpose of Love). Now Human (Self) ends up further in the rabbit hole it itself is digging. There is a lot of confusion by now but some in the sciences want to keep going. After all; some one is having a ball. The moment Human (Self) questions the concept of DNA some in the sciences return to Human with RNA and sells Human the RNA world hypothesis which suggests that Life on Earth began with a simple RNA molecule that could copy itself without help from other molecules stating DNA, RNA, and proteins are central to Life on Earth. Clever clever! Of course RNA is an invention for the meaning of the word RNA is Ram Non Alligator. Ram naturally being Rama also known as Ramachandra (रामचन्द्र, Rāmacandra) which is a major deity of Hinduism being the 7th avatar of the God Vishnu. What is next? JNA meaning Jesus Non Alligator? KNA meaning Krishna Non Alligator? CNA meaning Christ Non Alligator? GNA meaning God Non Alligator? INA meaning I Non Alligator? SNA meaning Sui Non Alligator? UNO meaning Uni Non Alligator. Yes. Maybe the latter is not such a bad idea. Regardless, Let I tell I itself is I and let's just return to the indivisible nature of I. I is pure spirit. I is indivisible. I is Love. Love is the purpose of Life for Life is not Life but God desiring not to be alOne, desiring companionship, desiring Love! I does not say all sciences are incorrect but it is true that some in the Sciences seems to be pulling their own leg, woof woof I-ndeed. Nothing wrong with Thāt (as long as तत् does not get confused about the purpose of its own beingness: Love! Interestingly enough; the meaning of the word Hypothesis means Less Than God. As such; return to God is Love One eternally must. The equation? God=Love.
~ Wald