Love is the meaning of Life for Life is God desiring Love.
Self is everything and yes, it is correct to note that everything is an abstraction for there is only Oneself. The answer to the question - why does Self perceive itself as variegated? - is Love. Love is the meaning of Life for Life is Self desiring Love. It is this simple. Abstractions serve the purpose to experience Love. In other words: the sensory perception of otherness serves the purpose not to feel alone. How else could Self experience Love? The good news is that there is no such thing as death for that which is Life is in truth Self experiencing itself as Life for Love. Love can only be experienced through the senses for the senses are responsible for the perception of separation. The perception of separateness or otherness is Self engineered NOT to cause suffering but to be able to experience Companionship, Friendship, to Love and Be Loved in return. All that is here is Self desiring Love and Love is the median to which Self continuously aligns itself to. The following statement is equally valid. God is everything and yes, it is correct to note that everything is an abstraction for there is only God. The answer to the question - why does God perceive itself as variegated? - is Love. Love is the meaning of Life for Life is God desiring Love. It is this simple. Abstractions serve the purpose to experience Love. In other words: the sensory perception of otherness serves the purpose not to feel alone. How else could God experience Love? The good news is that there is no such thing as death for that which is Life is in truth God experiencing itself as Life for Love. Love can only be experienced through the senses for the senses are responsible for the perception of separation. The perception of separateness or otherness was created by God NOT to cause suffering but to be able to experience Companionship, Friendship, to Love and Be Loved in return. All that is here is God desiring Love and Love is the median to which God continuously aligns itself to. All this to experience Companionship; all this to experience LOVE.
~ Wald