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It is correct to note that all symbols, numbers and words are inventions of Self. Self has invented all words, numbers and symbols to explain itself. It is correct to note that all that is here is Self. It is correct that Self is undivided. So even though consciousness is a word Self has invented; Self can use the word consciousness to explain to Self what Life really is. Alright then. Life is consciousness. Consciousness is undivided. Division does not exist. Division is a fallacy of (modern) H(an)uman who forgot Hanuman 'is' Rama, i.e., Human forgot it 'is' God. But let's not get sidetracked. Let's continue with consciousness. Self is Consciousness. Self is One Consciousness. One Consciousness itself is. It is this what reality is. It is this what existence is. This One Consciousness perceives itself as diversified. Diversity (the perception of) exists to experience Companionship. Companionship can only be experienced through consciousness perceiving itself as variegated, as diverse, as Life. Life is not Life. Life is consciousness perceiving itself as Life not to be alone. In other words: Life is consciousness perceiving itself as Life diversified for Companionship. Companionship is a synonym for Love. Love is correctly so the meaning of Life for Life in all its facets is in truth but One Consciousness perceiving itself as multifaceted to be able to experience Companionship. Consciousness is One but perceives itself as Two (as Life Diversified) not to be alOne. Is there death? No. Of course not. For the individual is not the individual but The Eternal One. Deo aka Teo is Life. Te o! Te o! Daylight come and me wanna go home. Home is right here, where the heart is. But let's continue with Consciousness. There is no death for Life is not Life but Consciousness. Consciousness is a synonym for God by the way. It is why it is said that God is spirit and that there is no death in the body of God. Human is God. God is consciousness aka Spirit. That which we are is One Consciousness perceiving itself as we, as plural, not to be alone. All plurality is Consciousness perceiving itself as plural not to be alone. It must now be remembered that consciousness is just a word Self has invented. Self now realizes it itself is indeed The Eternal One. All the world's a stage but it is Self staging itself not to be alone. As such Love is the first principle for there is but One deathless, eternal and everlasting principal; Self. In conclusion: The meaning (of the word) Life is Self desiring not to be alone. The meaning (of the word) Life is Self desiring Companionship. The meaning (of the word) Life is Self desiring Love.
~ Wald