Diversity does not imply division.
We are indeed not as divided as it seems. In fact, there is no division. It is true we perceive diversity. Diversity does not imply division. Division does not exist. Division is an erroneous concept stemming from ignorance. Ignorance of knowing all is God. God perceives itself as diversified not to be alOne. Diversity exists for the purpose to be able to experience Companionship. Companionship is why the perception of otherness exists. Otherness is God desiring Togetherness. Togetherness is experienced through the perception of Otherness. All that is here is God desiring not to be alone. Gpd is not external, God is Us. We are God experiencing itself as diversified this for the purpose of Companionship. Companionship is a synonym for Love. Love is the meaning of Life of Life for Life is not Life but God desiring Love. As such it is said to 'Love One Another as I have Loved You'. All that is here is God/One/Self desiring not to be alone! There are no others. Otherness God perceives for Companionship. It is this what Human is. Human is not Human, Human is God desiring Love.
~ Wald