Life diversified is Oneself desiring Love.
On the surface it appears we are too divided yet division is an illusion as well as any opposition. Opposition is in truth but Oneself seeking to negate its own singleness not to be alOne. So it is. There is nothing to oppose for all that is here is Oneself desiring Love. Reality is in truth Oneself desiring not to be alone; reality is in truth Oneself desiring Love. Love is the first law for it is what Oneself desires. In other words; Oneself perceives itself as many separate selves to Love and Be Loved. Love aka Companionship is the purpose of Life. Life is Oneself desiring Love. There are not many separate selves (individuals); there is only Oneself! All this (diversity, man & woman) for Love; all this for Love! Love is the purpose for (the perception of) Life diversified. Life diversified is Oneself desiring Love. Love is what Oneself desires; there is only Oneself!
~ Wald