There is no 'theory' of everything. Everything is Oneself. One is Self-Evident indeed. Is it a fact? Yes, of course, it is a fact. Oneself is a fact. Why? Do you see any walls in space? Of course not. It is forgivable foolishness. So how do we come up with an equation for something like this? Let me tell you that there's no need for an equation. Why? There is only one equation: Oneself. Oneself formulates itself. Oneself upholds itself. Oneself aligns itself. Are you sure about all of the above? Yes, for are we not? Do you have a last suggestion for the people of the world? Yes, see all self for all is self, otherness is self-illusioned, not to fight but to Love. Never forget: all not only is one; all is Oneself! Love one another for there is no other. Is that all? Yes, that will do.
~ Wald Wassermann